Sialkot: Dyke at Chinab River yet to complete as Monsoon approaching - Eye News Network

Sialkot: Dyke at Chinab River yet to complete as Monsoon approaching


SIALKOT (ENN) As the monsoon season is starting from June 15, 2018, but the Punjab government still remains unable to establish the 5.5 KMs protective dyke over the River Chenab near village Maahiwal to save the dozens of the surrounding villages and even the mega projects of Sialkot international airport and Sialkot Tannery Zone from the coming flood disasters.

Due to this critical condition, the dozens of the surrounding villages including Rakh Nowshera, Khasa, ChhaniGondal, GaggarMughalaan, Dheengowal,  Maahiwal, Dor R.B.,  Bhakhreywali, Kulluwal, MajraKalan, Sambrial, Suraj, Kot Maha Raj, Hambokey and Kaliyaar were left at the mercy of the coming floods in River Chenab.

Leader of the local affected people Mirza Muhammad Ajmal Baig, a resident of village GaggarMughalaan, told the newsmen that there was a dire need of early establishment of 5.5 KMs long protective dyke along the banks of River Chenab, but instead of constructing this dyke, the 5.5 KMs long areas has yet been left “Opened”, amazingly. Now, the monsoon season is starting here from June 15, 2018, the flood in River Chenab would wash out 31 villages of Sambrial tehsil completely and 71 other villages would partially be affected by the coming flood.

He said that if a flow of 200,000 cusecs flood water in River Chenab at Head Maral-Sialkot, passes through this river, the flood water, from the said 5.5 KMs long area left opened there, would badly affect the 200 villages in Bela Area, all the villages in Sambrial tehsil, besides, badly affecting the two mega projects of Sialkot international airport and Sialkot Tannery Zone there.

Leader of the local affected people Mirza Muhammad Ajmal Baig said that this protective dyke was to be constructed under the ongoing project of establishment of a bridge over River Chenab near Shehbazpur to connect the both Sialkot and Gujrat districts as well.

He said that the flow of the three local Naullahs has also been closed/blocked due to which these Naullahs will overflow there, inundating the dozens of the surrounding villages.

The local people said that the coming floods in River Chenab would badly affect the rural population of both Sialkot and Gujrat districts through this 5.5 KMs long area, left opened there.

The hundreds of the people belonging to the dozens of the surrounding villages staged agitational demonstration and they lodged their strong protest against non-construction of 5.5 KMs long protective dyke under the new design of River Chenab.

They said that the faster flow of flood water in River Chenab will kill them.The affected people made their SOS call and urged the government to save their lives as well.

Meanwhile, the managements of Sialkot international airport and Sialkot Tannery Zone have also appealed the government to save these projects from coming flood disasters there.

When contacted, the concerned officials of the Sialkot district administration said that the entire situation was already communicated to the Punjab government for further action or any “go ahead”, in this regard.

A few days ago, Sialkot Deputy Commissioner Dr. Farrukh Naveed, Chairperson Sialkot District Council Hina ArshadWarraich, MPA Ch. ArshadJavaid Warraich and concerned officials of the Punjab government visited the spot and examined the situation.

They said that there was a dire need of the early establishment of the protective dyke there the 5.5 KMs area left opened to save the 200 villages of Bela Areas, Sambrial tehsil and in surrounding areas as well.

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