Malala elected as social secretary at Oxford College - Eye News Network

Malala elected as social secretary at Oxford College


LONDON (ENN) Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai was elected as the social secretary at her Oxford College on Saturday.

In August last year, Malala secured a place at the Oxford University College. Yousafzai, has been living in the UK since October 2012.

As the social secretary, Malala will be responsible to plan and organise social events in the college.

The twenty-year-old, who is studying politics, philosophy, and economics, will share the social secretary role with Tiger Akawin for the upcoming academic year.

The Nobel laureate was chosen to join the Junior Common Room (JCR) Executive Committee in elections at the college last week. She is currently finishing the first year of her degree programme at Lady Margaret Hall.

Among the events organised by the JCR this year were an outdoor movie night, a jazz night, and a garden party, BBC reported.

In October 2012, Yousafzai then 15 years old was shot in the head at point-blank range by Taliban gunmen as she was returning from her school in Swat valley.

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