CJP rules out any possibility of judicial martial law - Eye News Network

CJP rules out any possibility of judicial martial law


ISLAMABAD/ LAHORE (ENN) Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar said on Friday that there is no space in the country’s Constitution for a judicial martial law.

“There’s no question of judicial martial law in the Constitution,” Chief Justice Nisar asserted while addressing a Pakistan Day event in Lahore.

“There’s no martial law from the inside or outside,” he added, without elaborating.

The comments come after calls from political leaders for judicial intervention with regards to the caretaker government setup prior to general elections.

Veteran politician Javed Hashmi said on Thursday that Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed, in his media talk, confirmed what he [Hashmi] has been saying since the 2014 sit-in about a plan to impose “judicial martial law” in the country.

Speaking to the media, Hashmi said as per his earlier warnings, a “judicial martial law” was under way. He had also said that the judiciary had never been independent in the country.

However, the chief justice stressed today, “Anything considered above the Constitution will not be tolerated.” “We will not allow democracy to be derailed in Pakistan,” he vowed.

Upholding that there “will be justice without bias”, the chief justice assured, “Accountability will not be held on the basis of a person’s status.”

He also highlighted the need to unite as a nation and said it’s the only way independence and freedom can be safeguarded. “We are fortunate we were born in an independent country,” Chief Justice Nisar said.

He added, “The most important aspects for a country to progress are leadership, supremacy of law, independent judiciary and impartial provision of justice.”

Further, the chief justice said, “The country should be run in accordance with law and Constitution.” “In Pakistan, only law will prevail,” the chief justice asserted.

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