Dadu: Teachers arrested on the orders of session judge are seen in judicial lockup. (ENN)
DADU (ENN) In an unprecedented move, the district and session Judge Dadu ordered to arrest two teachers on Saturday here at Dadu as one the teacher was absent from his duty.
Mr. Ashok Kumar, the session Judge on the complaints of villagers had visited the primary school in union council Kamal Khan of Johi tehsil and found the teacher Ghullam Abbas Lund was not present and had ordered his supervisor Ghullam Nabi Mastoi to appear before the court.
Both on Saturday appeared before the court and failed to satisfy the Judge, who ordered to arrest the teachers. Police handcuffed both of them and shifted to judicial lock up. Surprisingly Judge ordered to register case against teachers under Anti Terrorism Act.
Legal experts have called it beyond the law.
دادو ۾ ٻه استاد جج جي حڪم تي لاڪپ
دادو: سيشن جج دادو اشوڪ ڪمار جوهي تعلقي جي يوسي ڪمال خان جي اسڪول تي ڇاپي دوران استاد غلام عباس لنڊ غير حاضر هجڻ تي يوسي جي سپروائيزر ۽ استاد کي عدالت طلب ڪري ورتو
عدالت ۾ پيش پيل يوسي ڪمال خان جي سپروائيزر غلام نبي مستوئي ۽ غير حاضر استاد غلام عباس لنڊ پاران عدالت ۾ مبينه طور غلط بياني ڪرڻ تي سيشن جج دادو اشوڪ ڪمار ٻنهي استادن کي هٿڪڙيون هڻائي لاڪپ ڪرڻ ۽ ڪيس داخل ڪرڻ جا حڪم جاري ڪري ڇڏيا. اهڙن حڪمن بعد پوليس ٻنهي ڄڻن کي هٿڪڙيون هڻي جڊيشل لاڪپ
.پهچائي ڇڏيو آهي، حيرت انگيز طور جج استادن مٿان دهشتگردي قانون تحت ڪيس داخل ڪرائي ڇڏيو