Ice drug worth of 5 million seized at Torkham border - Eye News Network

Ice drug worth of 5 million seized at Torkham border


LANDIKOTAL (By Ashrafuddin Pirzada) Khasadar personnel at Torkham border foiled a bid to smuggle Ice drug from Afghanistan and apprehended an Afghan citizen, officials said here on Monday.

Political Tehsildar Torkham Tehseenullah told ENN that on his directives Subedar Safeerullah, Shakeel, Rizwan and Rakhmanuddin Shinwari searched the truck bearing registration number NGR 5658 and recovered 5.5 kilogram Ice drug from the hidden cavities of the truck.

One person identified as Imran has been arrested. The arrested person was sent to Landikotal lock up for further investigation. The Khasadars force personnel, who seized the Ice drug, have been recommended for special prize, officials further added.

Political Tehsildar Shamsul Islam told ENN that the estimated price of seized drugs in the market is around 5 million.

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