“No Zardari No” campaign by PTI in Sindh:Corrupt electable destroyed democracy:Dr Arif Alvi (زرداري نه کپي مهم) - Eye News Network

“No Zardari No” campaign by PTI in Sindh:Corrupt electable destroyed democracy:Dr Arif Alvi (زرداري نه کپي مهم)


Islamabad (ENN)

Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has announced campaign with slogan “No Zardari No” in Sindh province.

According to reports Imran Khan will kick off campaign against PPP Co-chairman and former president Asif Ali Zardari by holding Jalsa (gathering) and corner meetings on eighth December at Hyderabad, the second largest city of Sindh.

Dr Arif Alvi, president PTI Sindh and Member of National Assembly said campaign against corruption and corrupts is inevitable in Sindh as Pakistan is mainly facing two big problems of corruption and illiteracy; therefore we have launched awareness campaign in Sindh as well.

While responding to a question by Eye News Network (ENN) Dr Alvi said corrupt electable have destroyed democracy and Zardari is leading corrupt group in Sindh; therefore campaign against him is necessary like we did against Nawaz Sharif.

He told that Khan sb will spend three to four days in Sindh as to contact people of Sindh directly and PTI will more strengthen its roots in rural Sindh.

He was optimistic that people of Sindh are ready for change and they will definitely vote PTI candidates in upcoming general elections.

(اسلام آباد (اي اين اين

پاڪستان تحريڪ انصاف پاران سنڌ ۾ ”زرداري نه کپي“ مهم هلائڻ جو اعلان ڪيو ويو آهي. عمران خان پاران 8 ڊسمبر تي حيدرآباد ۾ جلسو منعقد ڪري ان مهم جي با قاعده شروعات ڪئي ويندي

رپورٽن موجب نو زاداري مهم بنيادي طور تي پاڪستان پيپلز پارٽي جي ڪو چيئرمين ۽ اڳوڻي صدر آصف علي زرداريءَ کي هدف بنائي هلائي ويندي

تحريڪ انصاف سنڌ جي صدر ڊاڪٽر عارف علوي ان حوالي سان اي اين اين سان ڳالهائيندي چيو ته پاڪستان ۾ ڪرپشن ۽ تعليم جي اڻهوند ٻه وڏا مسئلا آهن، ان لاءِ پي ٽي آءِ ڪرپٽ ٽولي جي سربراه خلاف مهم جي شروعات

.ڪري ڇڏي آهي

هن چيو ته سنڌ جا ماڻهو تبديليءَ لاءِ تيار آهن ۽ ايندڙ چونڊن ۾ پي ٽي آءِ جي اميدوارن کي ووٽ ڏئي ڪامياب ڪندا

ڊاڪٽر عارف علوي وڌيڪ چيو ته سنڌين کي ”سنڌ بچايو، زرداري ڀڄايو“ مهم ۾ ڀرپور حصو وٺڻ گهرجي

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