End of the Era: Legend Ibrahim Joyo passed away - Eye News Network

End of the Era: Legend Ibrahim Joyo passed away


Hyderabad (ENN)

A legend character (great thinker, writer, scholar) Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo has passed away on Thursday morning in Hyderabad. He was born on 1915 and was the writer of many books. He is known as a great nationalist and a human being, who served Sindh for many decades. Among many historical books “Save Sindh, Save Continent” is one of the famous book.

His funeral will be held Hyderabad today in the evening.

Jami Chandio, renowned writer has said that  “a great literary and intellectual icon of Sindh and sub-continent left us today! He was symbol of materialist thought, secular approaches and humanist nationalism in Sindh”.

(حيدرآباد (اي اين اين

  سنڌ جو عظيم ڪردار سائين ابراهيم جويو 102 ورهين جي ڄمار ۾ لاڏاڻو ڪري ويو. هن ڪيترائي ڪتاب لکيا ۽ سنڌ سدائين سندس ترجيح رهي. سندس سڃاڻپ هڪ عظيم ڏاهي ۽ سنڌ دوست طور رهي. هن ڪيترائي ڪتاب لکيا

.جنهن ۾ سنڌ بچايو، کنڊ بچايو هڪ شاهڪار ڪتاب آهي


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