KARACHI (ENNS) A Two- Day Workshop on Technology Integration in Pedagogical Practices organized by the Office of the Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC), Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur Mirs concluded. The workshop consisted on four modules Assessment in Digital World, Interactive Lesson Plan to engage Students, Google Meet for Virtual Teaching and Intriduction to Educational Technology. Dr. Pir Suhail Ahmed Sarhandi, Chairperson, Department of Linguistic & Human Science, Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University, Sukkur was the Resource Person of the workshop. Around 40 Teaching Assistants participated in the workshop.
Prof. Dr. Samina Rajpar, Director ORIC talked with the participants that under the visionary leadership of Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, Vice Chancellor in terms of academic, research and development, the University is developing day by day. She said this workshop will pave the way for the capacity building of Teaching Assistants of the University. Dr. Samina said that with the same spirit the next series of same workshop will be convened for senior Faculty Members in order to equip them the latest trends in teaching methodology.
Dr. Naveed Ahmed Shaikh, Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) also spoke on this occasion. He said it is the need of the time to take collaborative research for the enhancement of institutional development. He commended the efforts of Director ORIC for the capacity building and innovation at the campus.
The proceedings of the concluding ceremony were conducted by Firdous Bugti.